Creating timeless memories of you and your family..


Discovery Call

Free consultation over the phone to create your bespoke photo experience with your pet and family. In person consultations available at our studio, where you can see the artwork available after your session

(teas, coffees and snacks included!)

Choose your sessions location

We travel throughout Scotland for our environmental portraits.

We'll guide you through picking out the best location to suit your family. Not only that, but we also offer home sessions for pets who are unable to travel

The photo experience

Where the magic happens!

All of our photoshoots are around two hours long, however there is no time limit on our sessions. Nothing is rushed, making it stress-free for both pets and the people!

Capturing a mixture of stunning portraits of your pet at their best, and candid documentary shots of you and your family. Creating memories that will be with you for a lifetime

We have no limit on subjects, you can get the whole family involved to get that perfect group shot at no extra cost!

The Design Appointment

After the photoshoot, we'll work our magic to make your images into pieces of artwork. You will be invited to our studio in Alloa to view your images on the big screen and select the images you want to take home.

Each session will have between 25 and 40 images to choose from.